

This tag is associated with 3 posts

The Adaption Problem

Over my years as a designer I’ve worked for all sorts of brands and market levels and regardless of the customer base, there is one reoccurring question I have been asked many times in terms of trends. My customers don’t like fashion or trends, why should I use them? Now the interesting thing here is … Continue reading

The 1 Mistake that ALL Trend Predictors Make

So you are probably saying to yourself that either you don’t make mistakes, or that there must be many. Well of course when you are starting out there will always be a few but these things can be tuned over time. Eventually you’ll learn where to look, what not to be fooled by and how … Continue reading

The 5 Basics of Trend Prediction

So to start the journey of learning how to predict trends, we should always start with the basics. Trend prediction really relies on 5 things that combine together to produce an overall trend per season: Colour Themes Shapes Key Events or Social Movements Social Customs or Target Market. Each of them can be predicted in … Continue reading